Mistress Jacky had a bone to pick with her professor and she chose to do it in a way he would understand. Since he had feelings for her, she felt it was better for her to use her cuckolding fetish to dominate him. That way, she would get to his core and would hurt him deeply. She put the plan in motion and she got what she wanted out of it.
When this mistress noticed that she was dealing with a serial debt defaulter, she had to find a new way to get her money. So she used cuckolding fetish to force the guy to pay. The guy was made to suck another man's dick and swallow his cum and it degraded and humiliated him so much that he had no choice but to pay her so as to avoid such degradation again.
BBW Anastasia had a mean classmate and she did not want to let him get away with what he had done to her. She knew that if she did not punish him, he would find it easy doing it to someone else. So she cruelly used her big ass to cuckold him and to humiliate him. He was a proud guy so cuckolding him humiliated him more than it would have the average guy.
Mistress BlackDiamoond was angered when her man cheated on her. She had to make sure he learned never to do that again. So she used her cuckold fetish to dominate as well as teach him a lesson. She made him a cuck and had him drink another man's cum after she had fucked the other man to get his seed in a used condom. Her boyfriend never cheated again after that.
Mistress Evgenia wanted to torture her ex and she did it with her cuckold fetish. She went out of her way to dominate and humiliate him after she had teased him and gotten him to think that she wanted to have sex with him. He was shocked when she turned him into a cuck and had fun humiliating him. He was so pissed and shocked that he never wanted to meet her again.
Lady Scarlet was fed up of dating a miserly guy and she had to humiliate him. She chose to do it in style by cuckolding him. And she told him that she was attracted to guys who took care of her and spoiled her and since that was not him, he had to watch as she entertained them as she had to reciprocate. He was shocked to the core as he watched her fuck another man in his presence while he had to lick her soles.
Mistress Lola had to try cuckold punishment on this loser because she felt that he had no respect for her and that he needed to change. So she was quick to turn him into a cuck so that he realized she had options and that she could also stand up for herself. The simple act of cuckolding him resulted in a lot of changes which the mistress liked and enjoyed.
Mistress Sophia knew that her boss wanted her and he was making her feel uncomfortable. She wanted a raise as well but he did not want to give it to her until she slept with him. So she got pissed and she cuckolded him and told him that if she ever slept with him, it would be because she wanted to and not because she needed a raise because that was her entitlement given the kind of work she did and how she delivered.
Mistress Zephy had no time for this cuck and she had to dominate and humiliate him. She did it for fun and to send a message. She trampled him and had fun laughing at how he looked. She even had him lick her barefeet and watch as she flirted with another man on video chat. By the time she let him go, he had learned a lesson he would not forget.
Princess Amira felt taken for granted and she used her cuckold fetish to deal with the boyfriend as she did not want to beg him and she also wanted to teach him a lesson he would not forget in a hurry. So she cuckolded him and she had him lick her asshole after he had eaten her pussy and licked a used condom she had from another man. He never took her for granted again.